Sadly, MBIRA Camps in all locations are cancelled indefinitely due to the pandemic. We miss you and invite you to take some mbira lessons with Erica over Skype – any level from beginner to advanced. Contact Us to arrange this.
A whole week of healing mbira music and community! The next MBIRA Camp sessions will be: (unknown!). MBIRA Camp is total immersion in traditional Shona mbira music of Zimbabwe, with great depth and respect for ancient tradition. Past mbira campers have come from all over North America, Australia, South America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Enroll now.
Mbira Camps are led by Erica Azim, who has played and loved Shona mbira music since 1970, and has shared her passion for mbira with thousands of mbira students from all over the world. She has developed a teaching method designed specifically for the non-Zimbabwean student who desires to experience traditional Shona mbira music in its fullest depth. MBIRA is bringing master musician ‘Samaita’ Vitalis Botsa from Zimbabwe to co-teach the 20-26 September 2020 Mbira Camp.
Mbira Camp is sponsored by the non-profit organization MBIRA, devoted to the preservation and support of traditional Shona mbira music of Zimbabwe.

Typical Mbira Camp Day
The typical Mbira Camp day includes mbira lessons in the morning, a break after lunch, an optional related activity in the afternoon (hosho lesson, mbira dance, cultural presentation, etc) followed by time for the group to play mbira together, and the full group gathering in the evening for mbira singing and playing together. Time is also set aside for students to have the opportunity to play one-on-one with the teacher, which is an important part of traditional mbira learning.
Afternoon and evening activities are optional, and taking breaks is encouraged when needed. However, allowing yourself to be a bit overwhelmed opens you to learning in the less-controlled, soaking it up way a child does, and mbira students often find themselves making incredible progress with aspects of the music they were stuck on in other learning contexts, such as lessons.
Mbira Camp activities and instruction may include:

- mbira lessons in pairs and groups
- individual mbira lessons
- mbira theory: how to improvise correctly within the mbira tradition
- learning to hear more of the interlocking melodies in the mbira music you play, singing lines the mbira is playing, and volume variations
- how to know when to play variations (and when not to)
- styles of kutsinhira playing
- playing together, the lock of kushaura and kutsinhira parts
- where the beat of the hosho rattles fits with kushaura and kutsinhira
- learning to hear resultant lines when playing together, singing them, and bringing them out in your playing
- learning to sing traditional mbira lyrics
- listening to recordings of Shona mbira players
- mbira-style hosho (gourd rattles which accompany mbira)
- learning about the traditional context of mbira in Shona culture and religion
- mbira dance
- exploring mbira tunings and learning how to tune your mbira
- playing mbira individually, with a master teacher playing the other part

When you arrive at camp, please mention your preference to include any of the above activities. Also, campers often play together in 2’s and 3’s informally, outside scheduled session/lesson times.
Mbira lovers at every playing level are encouraged to attend, and previous Mbira Camps have included new-first-timers, beginning, intermediate, and advanced players. New beginners may purchase an instrument from MBIRA in advance to use at Camp, or choose one at Camp.
Cost and enrollment

The non-refundable deposit to hold your place in Mbira Camp is $412 for the July session, $515 for the September session with ‘Samaita’ Vitalis Botsa.
Total cost of Mbira Camp is:
- $876 for full July camp ($824 until April 1st)
- $978 for full September camp ($927 until July 1st)
- $515 for 4 days of July camp (must include first or last day)
- $144 for one day of July camp, or camp by the day
Your payment includes all meals, instruction, and activities. Note that only full camp is available for the special session with ‘Samaita’ Vitalis Botsa, as it is expected to sell out (so enroll soon!).
Advance enrollment for Mbira Camp is required.
Enrollment is on a “first come” basis, so pay your deposit (or full fee) as soon as possible – your place in camp is not reserved until your payment is received. The balance of payment is due no later than your first day of Camp. You can choose to pay online, or with a check or USD money order payable to MBIRA, when you submit your Mbira Camp Enrollment Form. Payment is non-refundable, unless another student takes your place (occasionally there is a waiting list).

Camp Recording Policy
- You may audio record your individual and group lessons (audio ONLY, please, NO VIDEO allowed but of course you can video your own hands). You may not copy your recordings for anyone who did not attend the camp.
- “Mbira Piece Intensives.” Listening to recordings of many different musicians playing the piece you are learning is an important part of learning an improvisational style you did not grow up hearing. These intensive listening experiences are available from the MBIRA Store, and the money goes to the musicians on the CD/Download. Save up and bring money for these, or listen before you come, as they are an important part of the teaching method.
More Mbira Camp information, including schedule, “to bring” list and directions will be sent to enrolled Campers. Questions? Contact us