All the Music
Nyama musango: Mavembe/Gandanga Tuning Mbira Piece Intensive
Catalog No. 3928
Mbira Piece Intensive Listening, Audio Recordings, All the Music, Mbira Piece Intensive ListeningMusic tuning:
Mavembe/Gandanga -
Nyamakwava Mbira Group 2006
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Nyamaropa Chipembere Mbira Piece Intensive
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Nyamaropa Mbira Piece Intensive
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Nyamaropa Tuning Collection # 1 - MBIRA Workshop Pitch
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Nyamaropa Tuning Collection # 2 - MBIRA Workshop Pitch
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Nyamaropa Tuning Collection # 3 - MBIRA Workshop Pitch
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Nyamaropa Tuning Collection - Bb "Magaya Standard" Pitch #1
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Nyamaropa Tuning Collection - Bb "Magaya Standard" Pitch #2
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Nyamaropa yevaNhowe/Pamusoro peNhowe Mbira Piece Intensive
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Mbira Piece Intensive Listening, Audio Recordings, All the Music, Mbira Piece Intensive ListeningMusic tuning:
Dambatsoko -
Nyatwa Mbira Piece Intensive
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Mbira Piece Intensive Listening, Audio Recordings, All the Music, Mbira Piece Intensive ListeningMusic tuning:
Mavembe/Gandanga -
Nyuchi Mbira Piece Intensive
Catalog No. 3935