Kari Mugomba Vol. 1 – Solos & Duets – Mbira Piece Intensive


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Kari mugomba, also known as Nyamaropa yekutanga, is a traditional Shona mbira piece played in ceremonies. ‘Kari mugomba’ refers to a person hiding in a pit, who some describe as a soldier or a leader being sought by enemies. The piece name may also be described as referring to ancestor spirits, as they died and were buried in a hole before becoming spirits.. This collection includes solos and duets from 1974 to 2017 in nyamaropa tuning, except track 7 in Dambatsoko tuning. Recordings of excellent mbira groups playing the piece are in Vol. 2. [Total time: 77:31]

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Title Kari Mugomba Vol. 1 – Solos & Duets – Mbira Piece Intensive
SKU music-3912
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