Nyamaropa yevaNhowe/​Pamusoro peNhowe Mbira Piece Intensive


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Nyamaropa yevaNhowe is a piece from the over 1,000-year old Shona mbira repertoire played in ceremonies. Nyamaropa yevaNhowe means “Nyamaropa (one of the most ancient mbira pieces, which has many versions) of the Nhowe clan.” An alternate version of the name, Pamusoro peNhowe, means “On top of Nhowe”, a hill in the area where the Nhowe clan live. The piece is primarily played in Dambatsoko tuning, the tuning played by the Mujuru family and their associates. [Total time: 77:11]

Additional information

Title Nyamaropa yevaNhowe/​Pamusoro peNhowe Mbira Piece Intensive
SKU music-3931
Dimensions N/A
Dimensions N/A
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